bet365 HyperSmash Blog Insider: Good morning, guys tomorrow Pirates of the Caribbean!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good morning, guys tomorrow Pirates of the Caribbean!

Good morning guys, I canno believe the day is actually so close. I have been waiting for this day to come for atleast one years and it's finally here. I am a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, and i don't know why.Oh well.You know what i find interesting that this year a lot of the movies are going to be game>movie. Now dont understand me wrong i love games, in my free time i love to play one or two games, but before movies were created with the ideas of the produser not the ideas of ... a game.But this way the movies get two tipes of views. The gamer ones that have been playing the game, and just want to check it out and see how well did the produser actually do, and the movie freaks that just love watching movies all the time doesen't matter if the movie is an action, comedy, horror.But if you ask me this is just weird.

Now guys i would like to say that i am thinking to create a website.I have got no what is the topic of the website. I am thinking about it as I am writinig this.And I do have to think a lot if i want to make an awesome site that people will like.

Now as I  know from a lot of time creating your self a webpage takes time and it better do, because if you create a webpage for only 2 days with 15 pages, the site is probably going to be poorly done.Exactly why taking your time with it will be better.Exactly why i will do it slowly this time.

I will not upload the site on the second day and start asking for adsense, I will upload the site day by day, New page, New page and so on and so on.And 4-5 months later i will ask for google adsense.

Thank for raeding this blog guys i hope i chat to you again.

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