bet365 HyperSmash Blog Insider: May 26, 2011


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Guest Blogging

Learn more at John Gregory's Blog

Not a lot of people know this, but the best way to get traffic to your blog is by advertisement. There are a lot of ways to do that Social networks, Commenting on other blogs, or getting your blog in other websites. And I won't be talking about neither one of them. I will be talking about guest blogging.

Guest blogging is one of the most sure ways of getting traffic. But along the lines with the good sides that guest blogging offers, there are bad sides. The good thing about guest blogging is that it allows you to collaborate with other people, and this way reaching out to other readers.You get back links to your blog and tags, which increases your Google SEO rankings. But the down sides about guest blogging are:

  • You will have tow wait until they accept you, it could take some time until the admins accept your post.
  • They could say no, which is the worst thing that could happen to you.
  • You will have to create a good post, so you can be sure that they will accept your post, this could take up to 1-2 hours of serious writing, which is hard, but in the end, you will get traffic.
In the beginning don't go for big blogs, that will probably turn you down. I am new in guest blogging, but I learned that, leaving guest posts on not that big blogs will get your blog accepted, and you will still get traffic, and this is an awesome way to get started. Now when I say not that big, I don't mean going up to a blog that has 10 visitors a day, and asking to be a guest poster there. I'm talking about blogs that get from 300 to 1 000 visitors or more. There are blogs that have 1.5 Million visitors daily. And they have over 15 people writing for them, do you think they will accept you ? Of course not.

When you create a couple of guest posts for some blogs, you will get traffic and something else. You could attract the eye of another blogger that is searching for a guest poster. Like i said guest blogging is a good to advertise your self. Sooner or later you will have bloggers sending you e-mails asking you if you would want to leave a guest post on their blog. But you will reach that level after some time. Blogging is hard, and increasing your traffic is even harder. And guest blogging is one of the ways to do that.

Find a partner this way. Yes you can do that. If the blogger that is owning the blog on which you are posting your content sees that he is getting traffic from you, and if you see that you are getting traffic from him, then you can offer him to become partners, help each other out. Finding friends in the endless internet pool is a good way of getting your online marketing started.

But the tricky part in the guest blogging is that you cannot write what ever you want. Search some information about the blog, what does the blog write about. Some bloggers leave an interesting post saying what they want to be posted on their blog, which is really awesome and spare you a couple of minutes of hard work.

Follow this information and you will attract good traffic in no time. Thank you for reading this post, leave a comment telling me what do you think about guest blogging. For more information how to create an awesome blog and get more traffic John Gregory's Blog !
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