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You want traffic, and we all know that social media is just one of the places where to go. So lets see the 5 ways to increase your traffic via the social network.
You want traffic, and we all know that social media is just one of the places where to go. So lets see the 5 ways to increase your traffic via the social network.
1. Friends
Social Networks like FaceBook have this option where you can ad friends to your "friend list". Now when it comes to friends "the more, the better. 2. Sharing
The people from Twitter or Facebook can share or "tweet" about your blog , post or website, this way other people that will see what their friend has shared will go to your blog to see what is so amazing about the blog that he decided to share it with facebook. Or when it comes to twitter to go ahead and see what is so awesome about the blog that you tweeted about it.3. Write about your blog or website

That is it 3 easy ways to increase your traffic thanks to your Social network ( FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace, Forums ). If you have more ideas how to increase your traffic this way leave a comment telling me!