It's John Gregory here, and this will probably be interesting for the women out there. Jennifer Aniston reveales her secret diet.
Jennifer Aniston is few years into her 40s, but yet she has the incredible body of a 20 year old. And a lot of women all over the world what to know how does she do it.
She said that she starts with Yoga I quote: “I do it every other day and I usually do some sort of run before,”

“She is great with all of the balancing poses,” Aniston’s longtime yoga instructor Mandy Ingber explained to “She has amazing focus and presence. She does a mean tree...and can outlast my tree any day.”
And while Aniston was famous for eating the same salad every day in the commissary at Warner Brothers for years while shooting “Friends,” the actress has recently mixed it up a bit—even experimenting in the kitchen with her personal chefs, Jewels and Jill Elmore.
“The culinarily challenged period of my life, which I like to refer to as ‘B.J.: Before Jewels,’ wasn’t pretty, people!” Aniston wrote in the forward to the Elmores’ cookbook, “The Family Chef.” “At best it was prepackaged Zone meals, overcooked takeout and scrounging for the occasional piece of cheese.”

“Jewels changed the way I see a kitchen from a place to store PowerBars (my once upon-a-time alternative to all food groups!) to a sanctuary that has become the most important room in the house, filled with sights and smells that are themselves a feast.”
But there is something i learner that made me kind of laugh. The women with the amazing and sexy body that is 40 year old claims to have a weaknes to fried and mexican food, but still she keeps her diet going with clean foods like fruits and vegetables.
And we all know who we have to thank for this woman, her personal trainer. Who claims that her diet goes on high protein 5-6 meals a day to keep her metabolism going. In other words she is burning fat all the time. And she also said that "doing only yoga will not help" if you did know that, well now you do and she says that DIET COMES FIRST. Now remember this, it is 20% from the workout or in this case the yoga training and 80% from the nutrients you take. In other words if you do not know what you eat don't and if you think is just stupid myth, well you should stop thinking that one day you will change your body from fat to lean, and get healthier.

Di Palma suggests eating carbs like "yams, sweet potatoes, brown rice and oatmeal," and snacking on "peanut butter, cottage cheese and fruit, and a handful of almonds,” to get Aniston’s enviable figure.
But Aniston says that being comfortable in one’s own skin is what’s most important.
“You’re damned if you’re too thin and you’re damned if you’re too heavy,” Aniston once said. “According to the press, I’ve been both. It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we stop trying.”